Thursday, February 11, 2016

Pet Education - a venting session

I know I mentioned before in the post about the dog park that unwanted pregnancies can cost upwards of 5K depending on where you live and the size of your dog.  Working in an emergency veterinary hospital I see a lot.  I'm not cruel to your pet, in fact, I'm a whole lot nicer to your cats and dogs, then I am to my own.  In my defense, I don't abuse either my dog or my cat, but I know there limits, I know that they know better, and a finger bop on the nose when they sniff for food, or holding there urine an extra few hours while I take care of your pet at work isn't going to hurt them. 

But I've digressed, and again I repeat..... SPAY AND NEUTER!!  Talk with your veterinarian about breeding if you want to breed your female.  If you can't afford to take your pet for all the vaccines, fine, I could preach to the choir what a lot of people do, if you can't afford the vet, you cant afford the vet, but I'm not going to because I know there are a lot of people who are going to give me grief and in this economy, while we can afford what we want, if something drastic were to happen and we needed to fork over a few thousand, most of us would be scraping everything, and asking friends.  BUT if you don't talk to your vet, cannot afford to take your long haired dog to the groomer, refuse to get her spayed, and purposely breed her because you think it will be quick money, I hate to tell you, its not that simple.

Don't expect the emergency hospital to do things for free when you have no money.  I love animals, I don't like to see them suffer, especially when it comes to owner stupidity, but I have my own bills to pay and mouths to feed.  A fashion designer loves designing but I don't see Louise Vuitton (or however it is spelled...Sorry) designing bags and other fashion items and giving them away.  Same thing.  I also don't get paid what I should for everything I do.  Therapist, anesthesiologist, nutritionist, phlebotomist, laboratory technician, and so much more, nurses in the medical field get paid 5-10 times more then I do, I'm not in it for the money.

Search what is toxic for your pets and if you think they might have call animal poison control, yes, they have one.  People get mad at me all the time for having them call with the response "But your a ER!"  Yes.  I know.  But there are SOO many medications out there, we cannot expect our doctors to remember how to treat for every single one.  The toxicologist there deal with it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  They know their stuff and how to treat.  Yes, it can be anywhere from $50-75 to call, but if they tell you not to worry, its better then driving to the vet, the $100 or more office visit depending on where you are, and at least at my hospital, we charge $100 for US to call poison control if you haven't already.  They will give you a report reference number -WRITE THAT DOWN - I cannot stress that enough.  They will tell you what to do at home and may tell you to bring your pet to the local emergency hospital or that you should monitor at home for symptoms and if you notice them to go to the ER.  But it is not a waste of money.  I've had to call.  I admit it.  Goober ate a piece of Fels-Naptha Soap when I was making homemade laundry detergent.  If your not sure, call poison control, or your local veterinary emergency hospital, they will be able to tell you its ok, or if they don't know, to call pet poison control.  When people call our hospital and start to get annoyed with me on the phone about referring them to poison control I like to break it down for them, our emergency exam is just shy of $100, our charge to call pet poison control is $100.  They will only charge $50-75, and they will be able to tell you if you actually have to come on in or if it is as simple as watching for a few simple symptoms at home.  I'm sure I'm going to get grief about our hospital charging $100 so I'll break it down - we have to as you questions about the product, name, manufacture, milligram dosage, about home much your pet ate, how long ago, any flavor additives, and more - we then have to relay ALL of that, plus data about your pet - name, age, weight, current presentation, to a representative who presents it to the toxicologist.  The hospital has to pay me to be on the phone with poison control, the phone call, and electricity, not to mention we also have to cover that $65 fee.

TIP:  If your dog or cat has a microchip - register it with Homeagain .  Its only $17.99/year, they offer A LOT for such a little price.  They will proactively send out lost pet fliers if you call them saying your pet is lost - they is quite a few hours you don't have to spend, making, copying, correcting, reprinting, and handing out.  If your pet is in another state they will help get him/her back to you with travel assistance, you get access to a 24/7 pet poison control line and lost pet line, and so much more.  Your pet doesn't have to have a Homeagain microchip to utilize the services.  And that 24/7 pet poison control hotline - that $65 or so charge to find out - WAIVED!!  I kid you not a year for $17.99 pays for itself if you have to call.  And better yet?  You only have to remember 1-888-HOMEAGAIN to get to the poison control.  No looking up numbers to find the one that they take.  call the same number you would to register your pet or renew for another year.

I'm sorry I had to vent.  This past work week has been stressful.  Between trying to coordinate Bears birthday in May with friends and family from his home state of Kansas and the "Boat (submarine) Family" (THEY COME HOME TOMORROW!!!) that he left last year for shore duty, and plan everything on top of working has been a pull my hair out week.

I just want to note that homeagain knows nothing of my endorsing them.  I simply believe that what they offer pays for itself in one use of any of their services.  And for $17.99 for the ENTIRE year??  That's like $1.25/month.  You cannot go wrong.

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